A Satiric, Dark Comedy by Christopher Durang
Rated PG 13
Helen and John gaze proudly at their new offspring, a bit disappointed that the child doesn't speak English and too polite to check the gender. They decide that the child is a girl and select the name Daisy. This leads to all manner of future concerns when it turns out that Daisy is actually a boy. Witness the drama unfold in this bitingly funny, skewed look at the trials and tribulations of parenting.
Performances Nov. 12, 13 and 14, starting at 8 p.m.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
FREE, general admission.
The public is invited to attend!
Rated PG 13
Produced by special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016
Cast and Crew
Helen, the mother: Emma Alfeld '16
John, the father: Preston Eppler '16
Nanny, the nanny: Rebecca Ryan '16
Cynthia, a neighbor: Fiona Fan '18
Angela, a woman in the park: Abby Newman '16
Kate, another woman in the park: Julia Krys '19
Mrs. Willoughby, the principal: Alexa Green '17
Henry, her assistant: Gary Simons '17
Miss Pringle, a teacher: Gabby Brown '17
Daisy, a young man: Jeremy Mason '16
Susan, a young bride: Dallis Alvarez '18
Katherine Berry '16, Jordan Clapprood '18, Maeve DeFronzo '16, Ellen Gyasi '16, Peter Horsfall '17, Nathali Madrid '17, Sofi Morales '19, Arthur Renehan '17, Karus Sabio '18, Tim Sanford '16, Chelsea Simpson '17, Isabel von Bargen-Burke'19, Victoria Winter '18, Tiger Zhang '17
Sarah Alibrahimi '16, Joyce Cheng '16, Ozzy Kutluel '18, Cam Gould '17, Eunice Lee '16, Elena-Lie-A-Cheong '17, Bryan Rome '19, Celenah Watson '19, Nornia Xu '17, Jimmy Zhang '18
Stage Manager: Hyeonjo Jeong '16
Assistant Stage Manager: Anissa Joseph '17
Assistant Directors: Jordan Clapprood '18, Taina Cotto '16
Director of Theater: A-men Rasheed